
Establish a hazard–barrier matrix showing which barriers protect against which hazardous events.

Establish a hazard–barrier matrix showing which barriers protect against which hazardous events.


NORSOK Standard S-001 contains a description of the most important barriers/barrier systems on offshore installations in Norway (Section 5 through 24). The most important hazardous events that these barriers shall protect against are the following:

Releases of oil/gas from the process plant. Releases of oil/gas from risers and pipelines. Releases of oil/gas from storage. Releases of oil/gas during loading/offloading. Blowouts and well releases. Collision with ships. Dropped objects from cranes. Helicopter crash. Extreme environmental loads (wind, waves, earthquake, etc.). Loss of stability and/or buoyancy. Loss of position.

Establish a hazard–barrier matrix showing which barriers protect against which hazardous events.

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