
ethics activity 1 – The Nursing Hub

ethics activity 1 – The Nursing Hub


major criteria for being diagnosed with that disorder

March 19, 2021

benchmark ethical and collaborative considerations 2

March 19, 2021

Teaching Co-Workers About Law and Ethics
Your boss wants you to help others understand that communications is a business with rules governed by law and guided by ethics.
Research a U.S. legal decision that affected journalism or communications and subsequently affected communications over the media as we know it. You may consider cases from history or the modern age, including any cases that may involve social media behaviors.
NOTE: If you google “legal decision that affected journalism” you will find many different links.
Prepare a report of no more than 2 pages containing this information:

Summarize the case, including what happened and what was determined by the law
Explain why you think it is important for everyone on your staff to know about this case and its effects on the practice of communication.
If there are any “key lessons” for people to follow or learn from, also include those in this report.

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