
Expound Race.

Expound Race.


Paper instructions:

The concept of race/whiteness/blackness is the central topic.

The five readings suggest that there’s a fluid concept and that some folks have occasionally been considered non-white and then “earned” whiteness. Grace Elizabeth Hale speaks about the gradual acceptance of European immigrants as white, while Audrey Smedley proceeds to inform us that skin tone was not seen as a major distinction in the early Virginia colony. So, describe the process of becoming white. What does it mean to be white? What are some of the advantages that the author, Peggy McIntosh sees as part of “white privilege”?

The essay will come to terms with all of the five readings listed below in order to develop an analysis of what it means to be white, how does one achieve whiteness, and who can never be white.

The essay needs to be 5 pages long exactly.

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