
Expression of interest

Expression of interest


Your paper should be between  words. It should be organized into 4 sections with the headings: Expression of Interest, Summary, Analysis, and Reference. Here is what should be in each of those sections.1.Expression of interest: Explain why you chose the topic that you did. What personal relevance does it have for you? This section could be quite brief (maybe 2 sentences or up to a paragraph).2.Summary:Summarize the discussion from the article you chose. Your summary should be factual, not opinionated, meaning that I want you to simply report what is discussed in the article. This is not the place to express any personal beliefs or evaluate the claims made in the article. You article should NOT use any direct quotes, I want you to show me that you understand what you have read and can put it in your own words. Suggested length for the summary is 300 to 600 words, depending on the length of the article you chose. You will need to strike a balance between staying concise yet still providing enough detail that I can get a good sense of the article. 3.Analysis:Provide a critical assessment of the discussion in the article. This is where I want you to evaluate the claims it makes. Do they make sense? Are they supportable given your knowledge of macroeconomic foundations? Whether you find what you have read to be valid or dubious, I want you to use what you have learned in this course to explain why you arrived at your conclusions. You should not be relying on any outside sources for this part since this is YOUR analysis.4.Reference: Provide the name of the article, its author, the publisher, and the date of its publication. You must also include a URL so that I can find and read your article if needed. Note that this section is called “Reference” not “References” – I only want you to use 1 source for this paper. You are evaluating only the content of the article you chose

The post Expression of interest appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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