
Film and Film Report Assignment: PHI-2130 Argument & Inferences (DUE: April 9, 2020). Argumetative Essay

Film and Film Report Assignment: PHI-2130 Argument & Inferences (DUE: April 9, 2020). Argumetative Essay

I’m trying to study for my Philosophy course and I need some help to understand this question.

Film and Film Report Assignment: Argumentative Essay

PHI-2130 Argument & Inferences (DUE: April 9, 2020)


Pages: 3 to 5 Double Spaced

Watch the video, “Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution,” at .

Do you believe the scholars are misusing probability theory or do you think their case has some force?

Defend your answer with reasonable arguments in a 3-5 page, typed, double-spaced paper. Due April 9.

All instructions are there, nothing else needed!


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