
find three to five examples of media companies that are horizontally and vertically integrated, OR major media buyouts or mergers. Discuss the possible advantages or disadvantages for each example

find three to five examples of media companies that are horizontally and vertically integrated, OR major media buyouts or mergers. Discuss the possible advantages or disadvantages for each example

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. Students will find three to five examples of media companies that are horizontally and vertically integrated, OR major media buyouts or mergers. Discuss the possible advantages or disadvantages for each example.

2. Answer these questions but feel free to examine other issues as well: were these mergers beneficial or harmful to the companies involved and how? How have they influenced consumers?

3. Use Potter and related class presentations to support arguments. (presentations attached )

4. Include a thesis statement in your paper and wrap it up with a strong conclusion. Paragraphs should be linked by transitions that pull the reader through the paper.

5. You are also expected to find a minimum of three research sources, two of which must be peer reviewed. A peer-reviewed source means one that comes from an academic journal. Should you use library database searches, you can check a box that allows to search for only peer reviewed sources.


2. Double spaced, with standard one inch margins.

3. Include page numbers.

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