findings in the field of psychology
Assignment: Psychology & The Media (Due June 14th at 11:59 pm) Attached Files: ii LS0260KAA – Summer 2019 – Assignment 1.pdf (109.32 KB) Assignment: Psychology & The Media
The media bombards all of us with new findings in the field of psychology: Everything about new findings for causes of psychological disorders to peer pressure, to mental disorders & violence. However, how does one know if these new findings are valid or just sensationalism? Your assignment is to find a piece of new psychological reporting in the media (newspaper, tv, magazine, etc…) and discuss it.
For this assignment, I would like you to find four (or more) scholarly sources (a peer-reviewed paper that has been published in a scientific journal) that explores this topic and in 1500+ words discuss their findings and from those draw your own conclusion of which side of this argument the evidence weighs.
For this assignment, I would like you to find four (or more) scholarly sources (a peer-reviewed paper that has been published in a scientific journal) that explores this topic and in 1500+ words discuss their findings and from those draw your own conclusion of which side of this argument the evidence weighs.
1. Remember: there is no right or wrong answer. What matters is how well you have analyzed and discussed the evidence. 2. Please make sure that all submitted files are in MS word (.doc or .docx) format 3. Moreover, please note that your mark greatly depends on the level (and quality of) research conducted. Thus, do not expect to get the maximum grade if only having done the minimal amount of research (in this case, including just three peer-reviewed sources). 4. Finally: Please make sure you paraphrase the research in your own words as much as possible to avoid a high plagiarism score on SafeAssign. Please make sure you are familiar with the guidelines and the penalties applied if any work is suspected of plagiarism (Seneca – Academic Honesty)
In the essay you will:
• You MUST use peer reviewed sources to support your views (using blogs, newspaper/magazine, wikipedia as research sources are considered to be poor sources and will reflect the marks on the body of the essay) • Apply critical thinking • Find research that lend support to the finding in question (remember, the more scholarly research you provide, the better your chances for a good grade) • Use in-text citations whenever discussing the research and including a list of references done in APA format. • Please make note of the rubric and how the assignment will be graded. • Please note that you must submit your assignment to me electronically via SafeAssign only. I do not require a hard copy • Any assignment submitted past the June 14th (11:59 pm) deadline will be marked as late and will have a 5% per day penalty applied (any paper submitted 10 days past the deadline will not be accepted nor graded).
Essay Assignment:
1. Please make note: assignments must be handed in electronically (via SafeAssign). 2. To include a title page, introduction, body including research, conclusion, references page. 3. The assignments will be word counted (word count does not include title or reference pages) 4. One of the best sources for your research is the Seneca library catalogue ( Here you can find books and journals which will aid you in your research 5. Make Sure you use Seneca College Library (, google scholar ( or other types of peer reviewed research databases such as science direct ( ), ncbi (, The APA ( for your research. 6. Ensure that you review the rubric on how you will be marked and format your essay according to the correct guidelines. 7. Ensure your references and in-text citation are in strict APA format!!! • In text citations and references are to be APA format — see 8. Ensure that you follow APA style as this is used for Psychology. Refer to 9. Plagiarizing: All borrowed ideas and quotations should be correctly cited in the body of your text, followed by a References page listing the details of your sources, using APA format.
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