
Flag records for deficiencies, and in general to be sure that records are kept accurately and up to date. In this facility the copying of medication orders is done only by credentialed nursing personnel.

Flag records for deficiencies, and in general to be sure that records are kept accurately and up to date. In this facility the copying of medication orders is done only by credentialed nursing personnel.


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Flag records for deficiencies, and in general to be sure that records are kept accurately and up to date. In this facility the copying of medication orders is done only by credentialed nursing personnel.
You work as a health information clerk on an acute care wing of a hospital. Your duties are to post reports to patient records, to flag records for deficiencies, and in general to be sure that records are kept accurately and up to date. In this facility the copying of medication orders is done only by credentialed nursing personnel, and you are not credentialed for this duty. One afternoon the nurse in charge of the wing asks you to copy medication orders onto a group of charts. She has had an extremely busy day, and your doing this would help her to end her shift on time. You feel you know how to do the copying, but you also know this is not a duty you are allowed to perform. What do you do? Discuss your options and how you would handle the situation.
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