
Follow up to essay | English homework help

Follow up to essay | English homework help


 3 paragraphs on question 2 and 3 , 4 paragraphs on question 4 ( TOTLE 10 PARAGRAPH )

2. As you may recall, Other classes are also doing this interview essay. What advice would you give to students who are doing this assignment now?  Please Do Rule of 3–meaning do 3 paragraphs of advice. (I will be giving this advice to the other teachers  to share with his class, so be as real and as helpful as you can be.)   Suggestion: you can say follow by the rule of this website.  http://seanchabot.blogspot.com/2014/01/features-of-typical-academic-body.html 

3. Based on what you have learned from your interviewees, and your own experience, what advice would YOU give to the Hayward City Council about this broad concept of “safety.”  Please Do Rule of 3–meaning do 3 paragraphs of advice.

4. Finally, what is the most important concept that EACH of your interviewees talked about. Please write up one paragraph for each interviewee. 

 this is advice about doing “Rule of 3” —this approach to writing helps make your papers much much much longer and more involved.   http://seanchabot.blogspot.com/2014/01/rule-of-3.html 

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