
Following is a list of quality-related activities: Type Quality Activity ____ 1. Inspection of units

Following is a list of quality-related activities: Type Quality Activity ____ 1. Inspection of units


Following is a list of quality-related activities: Type Quality Activity ____ 1. Inspection of units when they are 100% complete to remove defective units ____ 2. Designing a process with as few parts as possible to reduce the chance of defects ____ 3. Warranty costs for defective products returned to the factory for rework ____ 4. Reworking spoiled units before they leave the factory ____ 5. Costs to defend the company against lawsuits for damages caused by defective products ____ 6. Tracking number of defects for each manufacturing team and posting daily defect rates on a plant-wide bulletin board ____ 7. Redesigning a manufacturing process to lower the rate of defects REQUIRED Mark each activity according to whether it pertains to the internal costs of prevention (P), appraisal (A), production (PR), or post sales (PS) costs.

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