
—For hifsa shaukat— Reading response (your own critical assessment) no plagiarism!

—For hifsa shaukat— Reading response (your own critical assessment) no plagiarism!


1. Overall this is a reading response assignment but the professor asks to provide your own critical assessment after reading this reader. In your reading response you should highlight the key arguments and provide your own critical assessment of the readings.You can also draw connections among the readings.
2. To start writing the reading response with summarizing the argument of the reading.
3. There are two readings. For the reading response it is 600 words minimum for total. Since there are two readings it’s better to balance the words between the two reading part. (for example:300 words for reading one 300 words for reading two.)
4. MPL format It is due in 24 hours since handshake international student way (grammar and vocabulary don’t need to be too professional and perfect).
5. Try to make the structure clear. Pay attention to the citation.

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