
Four Knowledge Management Questions – essay studess

Four Knowledge Management Questions – essay studess


Below are listed 4 Questions. You must complete all 4. Please complete the exam in MS Word. Please do not include the text of the questions in your submission as this will cause issues with the SafeAssign system that your submission is sent through. All questions carry equal marks. The exam is designed to be completed on an individual basis. Answers to individual questions should not exceed 1500 words in length. Your answers should be submitted as a single MS Word document. The question number to which you are providing an answer should be provided and associated with your answer on your transcript. Please use the APA citation format for all questions.

Question 1: (Required)

The 4 Pillars of Knowledge Management model stipulates that for knowledge management initiatives to be successful in the long term, all 4 pillars must be managed. Select an example that you are familiar with or from research in academic journals, available through the e-library (www.nyit.edu/library), that demonstrates how organizations are successfully managing their knowledge by addressing the 4 pillars of knowledge management.

Question 2:

Hofstede’s cultural value indexes are commonly used in assessing the nature of national culture. Discuss how these indices are used in the context of the implementation of a multinational knowledge management implementation and the considerations that need to be made should they be used.

Question 3:

Innovation is a key output of effective knowledge management. Discuss, using examples, of how this objective can be met utilizing knowledge management.

Question 4:

“A core assumption underpinning value networks is that participants and stakeholders participate by converting what they know, both individually and collectively, into tangible and intangible value that they contribute to the network”. Discuss using examples.


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