
Health law policy – final project milestone one: executive summary

Health law policy – final project milestone one: executive summary


Description: For the first milestone of your final project, you will select one of the three possible issue prompts and write an executive summary to introduce your memorandum.

Choose from one of the three following prompts: 

·  ·  Issue Prompt Option #1: Language 

·  ·  Issue Prompt Option #2: Immunizations  ** SELECTED ISSUE**

·  ·  Issue Prompt Option #3: Access and Enrollment Assistance 

This executive summary should be no more than one page in length and should introduce your chosen issue, addressing the following elements: 

1.  Clearly identify the issue you have chosen 

2.  Summary of the facts related to the issue, including the importance of the issue to the organization, identifying impacted stakeholders and any initial assumptions related to the issue 

3.  Summary of the necessary analysis, including the interests of the key stakeholders, application of relevant laws and policies, identification of potential conflicts between stakeholders, and potential legal risks

4.  Brief statement of your recommendation for a course of action on the issue 

Remember, this is a first draft. You will have the opportunity to incorporate instructor feedback and revise this executive summary for your final submission in Module Nine. 

Guidelines for Submission: Your executive summary should consist of 1–2 thorough paragraphs. It should be double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font, and should follow APA formatting guidelines. 

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