
Historian Of Early Africa – homework smith

Historian Of Early Africa – homework smith


Answer the following questions. Use specific examples and details to support your answers.

1. After explaining the challenges that face the historian of early Africa, describe the importance of the trans-Saharan trade and explain the ways Islam affected (or not) Ghana, Mali, and Ethiopia.

2. What factors contributed to the spread of the plague throughout Europe and what were the consequences?

3. What are the main features of at least one universal religion you studied in this course? Give examples.

4. Explain the main features and achievements of Europe in the High Middle Ages and compare with the main features and achievements of the Italian Renaissance.

5. As you reflect on the history of world civilizations from the period of the civilizations of the ancient world to the 16th century, what are the three most important lessons (about key ideas, or institutions, or movements, or individuals — or more!) you would identify as “take-aways” from your studies?

6. What are the three most important lessons you learned about the study of history in this course?

For more information on Historian Of Early Africa read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Africa

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