HISTORY 1025 paper 2 on A Rumor of War
HISTORY 1025 paper 2
HISTORY 1025, PAPER #2 on Philip Caputo’s A Rumor of War
On the first page of the Prologue, Philip Caputo writes, “This book does not pretend to be a history. It has nothing to do with politics, power, strategy, influence, national interests, or foreign policy…. It is simply a story about war.” Despite this disclaimer, what can we learn about the Vietnam War from his memoir that we might not find in a textbook or other scholarly work? What are the limitations to using A Rumor of War to study the war? In short, do you find the book to be a useful lens into understanding the Vietnam War experience? Why or why not? In a four-to-five page paper, be sure to tackle these questions by providing examples that explore Caputo’s reasons for enlisting, his initial beliefs about the war, and his shifting opinions as his time in South Vietnam continued.
HISTORY 1025 paper 2
When preparing your essay, please provide a clear argument rather than a summary. In your paper, make sure you have a clear thesis statement supported by evidence from the book. Be specific in your examples. You should use quotations, but avoid block quotations for a paper of this length. Quotes should be placed strategically and relatively infrequently throughout the paper, and should nicely summarize a key point you are trying to make. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and one-inch margins. You may use footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references.
Feel free to send me a draft if you want feedback. Please remember to proofread your paper before turning it in, as you will be graded on argument, content, clear organization, and quality of writing.
Papers are due as an uploaded Word document or PDF file at 1:50 PM MT on Friday, November 20. (Note that this is a class day later than listed on the syllabus.)
HISTORY 1025 paper 2
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