
How ​Beowulf​ Reflects A Warrior Culture

How ​Beowulf​ Reflects A Warrior Culture


1. You will write an essay. (500 word minimum)
2. Organize your essay properly by using a graphic organizer.
3. Type or write your final draft according to the writing standards.

Essay Prompt Options
How does Beowulfreflect a warrior culture?
Beowulfglorify violence?
There are many things in
Beowulfthat can be considered monstrous. List those things that are monstrous and
discuss what each adds to the poem.
Write an essay on the topic of your choice. Create a well-developed essay citing at least two quotes of support
(with MLA citations) in each paragraph of the body. You must include a counterclaim.
Step 2: Complete graphic organizer that includes textual evidence.
Step 3: Write or type the essay. Follow the formatting guidelines: The first paragraph is your hook and thesis.
Continue to the body of your essay, providing two examples of text evidence with MLA citations in each
paragraph. A counterclaim must be present in the essay- either incorporated within your body or a separate
paragraph dedicated to the counterclaim. The last paragraph is your conclusion. *Note: each new paragraph
should have transitions (if you can’t remember what transitions are, google “essay transitions”)
Step 4: Be sure to have a simile or a metaphor in your essay

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The post How ​Beowulf​ Reflects A Warrior Culture first appeared on homeworkcrew.


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