In this paper you will discuss how a piece of music by a “classical” composer from class seems to reflect the composer’s state of mind, and the culture and history of his or her time, AND you will offer ideas on how the challenges of the composer and his or her music may offer solutions to a problem in today’s world. This will be the THESIS of your paper. Support your thesis by discussing your response to technical elements of the piece, and by presenting information about the composer’s life and cultural context found through research. Also, use research to offer evidence of the problem in today’s world you want to talk about.
OPENING — rationale, thesis, topics
BODY PARAGRAPHS (each one covering topic mentioned in opening, all topics working to prove thesis) — topic sentence, general sentences with detail sentences following each general sentence
CLOSING — anecdote, summary of ways you proved thesis, your own conclusions, take away
Start your paper by telling us what you are going to write about, and then go for it!
Each topic you discuss should consist of at least one paragraph to allow for thorough coverage, each paragraph including a clear topic sentence to guide readers through your thought process easily, as if you were a tour guide.
Transitional sentences should lead your reader from thought to thought and from paragraph to paragraph.
Elaborate upon your ideas or findings and support them as necessary with evidence from the music.
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