
How Both The “Art” And “Science” Of Nursing Are Reflected In The Film, “Wit”

How Both The “Art” And “Science” Of Nursing Are Reflected In The Film, “Wit”


The purpose of this assignment is for the student to reflect on the impact that nursing care has on clients. Students will have an opportunity explore nursing care as reflected in the voice and actions of a patient.

Watch the short series of films entitled “Wit” . This film can also be seen in its entirety from the Kean Library or on YouTube. In a 3-4-page paper, APA formatted, discuss the following points:

When you reflect on the characters in the film, what were your main takeaways?
What theories and/or theorists came to mind when watching the nurse, Susie Monahan, interact with Vivian Bearing?
Describe how both the “art” and “science” of nursing are reflected in the film.

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