
How do the critical success factors for Donnelley’s traditional printing businesses compare with those for on-demand digital printing? How did these differences shape the agenda and tasks of Rory Cowan?

How do the critical success factors for Donnelley’s traditional printing businesses compare with those for on-demand digital printing? How did these differences shape the agenda and tasks of Rory Cowan?

I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Refer to the attached case study. Write a detailed two-page case analysis and recommendations report Focus on the following questions:

    1. How do the critical success factors for Donnelley’s traditional printing businesses compare with those for on-demand digital printing? How did these differences shape the agenda and tasks of Rory Cowan?
    2. As the Digital Division evolved, what were the critical challenges:
      • prior to April 1994?
      • between April 1994 and January 1995?
      • between January 1995 and June 1995?
    3. What is your evaluation of the re-engineered Technology Development Process?
    4. How do the jobs of Schetter and Clarke compare? Do you agree with the current division of responsibility?
    5. How should Schetter and Schneider convince the Books Group to bring its work to the Digital Division?
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