
How does Arrowsmith reveal the increasing commercialism of medical practice and research?

How does Arrowsmith reveal the increasing commercialism of medical practice and research?

I’m trying to study for my Literature course and I need some help to understand this question.

Write a well-organized Essay of approximately 800 words , which is responsive to the following questions: How does Arrowsmith reveal the increasing commercialism of medical practice and research? How does the Lecture by Dr. David Himmelstein (




), presented at the November 7, 2007 NJIT Technology/Society Forum, illuminate the way in which such commercialism continues to affect medical care and research. See Moodle email for the link to the Presentation. Students should research and comment briefly on how the 2010 Affordable Care Act deals with the issues to which Dr. Himmelstein refers.

essay must be fully documented according to Modern Language Association (MLA) parenthetical style

Cite all work please

Books and video to use for this essay


Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat [Selections]. Harper & Row (Perennial edition) (1987). ISBN: 0-06-097079-0. [Selections]

Sinclair Lewis, Arrowsmith. Signet Classic (1998). ISBN: 0-451-52691-0.

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