
How many millimeters are there in a kilometer?

  1. How many millimeters are there in a kilometer?
  2. Which metric prefix means “thousand”?





3. Which of the following metric prefixes is the smallest?





4. Round the following numbers to three significant figures.





5. What is the height of a 4 foot 5 inch tall person in centimeters?


6. Water is sold in half liter bottles.

What is the mass, in kilograms, of the water in such a full bottle?


What is the mass, in grams, of the water in such a full bottle?


7. Which generally comes first in solving problems, hypothesis or experiment?

  1. hypothesis
  2. experiment
  3. These two steps occur simultaneously.

8. A metric ton is 1,000 kg, and a British ton is 2,000 lb. Which has the greater weight?

  1. British ton
  2. metric ton

By how much? (Enter your answer in lbs.)


9.  A quantity of water is poured into a graduated cylinder, which then reads 146 mL. What is the mass of the water in kilograms?


10. What is the volume of a piece of lead (???? = 11.3 g/cm3) that has a mass of 0.60 kg? (Enter your answer in cm3.)


11. For a given speed limit, would the numerical value be greater in mi/h or in km/h?



(c) The numerical values would be equal.

12. The Hoover Dam Bridge connecting Arizona and Nevada opened in October 2010. It is the highest and longest arched concrete bridge in the Western Hemisphere, rising 890 ft above the Colorado River and extending 1900 ft in length. What are these dimensions in meters?



13. Which combination of units expresses density?

  1. mass/(length)3
  2. mass/(kg)3
  3. mass/(time)3
  4. mass/m2

14. What is the standard unit for the amount of a substance in the SI? (Do not abbreviate; for example gram not g.)

15. f we changed our speed limit signs to metric, what would probably replace the following? (Enter your answers to the nearest km/h.)

(a) 10 mi/h

(b) 75 mi/h

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