
How Much Do Non-Muslim Texts Confirm Or Contradict Muslim Sources

How Much Do Non-Muslim Texts Confirm Or Contradict Muslim Sources


(1) Did Early Muslim rulers put more emphasis on “continuity with” or “contrast from” their Byzantine/Roman predecessors?

[Look in particular at Johns, Hoyland and/or Sizgorich]


(2) What was the main way in which the Muslim conquests were influenced (helped or hindered) by the preexisting economic situation in the areas that were conquered?

[Look in particular at Morony, Crone and/or Banaji]


(3) When we examine early Islamic history, how much do non-Muslim texts confirm or contradict Muslim sources?

[Look in particular at Morony, Sizgorich and/or Crone]


(4) What is the most important thing archaeological evidence (including coins) contribute to our knowledge of early Islamic history?

[Look in particular at Johns, Hoyland and/or Crone]

Your paper should be approximately 1,500 words in length.

You should include a footnote whenever you take information from the articles.

The format of the footnotes should follow the guidelines for “Journal articles” on this page:


Your essay should include a clear thesis statement, an introduction, a conclusion and a visible, logical structure.


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