
How The Bottom-Up Design Approach Differs From The Top-Down Design Approach

How The Bottom-Up Design Approach Differs From The Top-Down Design Approach


Part 1 (60%)
A) Compare and contrast the three phases of database design. Include a comprehensive explanation of each phase.

B) Explain how the bottom-up design approach differs from the top-down design approach. Which approach do you believe should be used to design a simple database with a relatively small number of attributes and why?

Include the questions with your answers.

The submission should be in the order of 1,000+ words in length.

The content must be original, and include supporting sentences using the terms, concepts, and theories. The submission must paraphrase the referenced material, restrict the use of direct quotes (copy and paste) to less than 15% of the submission (the grade will be impacted if this limit is exceeded).

There are writing guidelines in the syllabus – use good judgement, the submission must be well organized. Provide citations and references in APA style.
Name your document Last Name_Assignment4 (i.e. Smith_Assignment4).

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