
How The Militarization Of The 2014 Ebola Response In West Africa Affect Local Communities

How The Militarization Of The 2014 Ebola Response In West Africa Affect Local Communities


Answer these four question in short response

1. What Mende burial practices contributed to the 2014 spread of Ebola in Sierra Leone, according to Paul Richards and Alfred Mokuwa? How might knowing this culturally specific information help to stop the spread of Ebola?

2. What is Vinh-Kim Nguyen’s critique of the French national security apparatus, devoted to “preparedness” for global Ebola outbreaks? What does Nguyen suggest would have been more effective as a national and global response?

3. How did the militarization of the 2014 Ebola response in West Africa affect local communities, according to Adia Benton?

4. Are there things we can learn from national and global responses to Ebola that will help us with the Covid-19 pandemic?

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