
Identify the key lines of arguments included in the literature review

Identify the key lines of arguments included in the literature review


Identify the key lines of arguments included in the literature review – for and against ii) Identify   the   paper’s    own    key    findings/arguments (in    the    data analysis/findings section). Then, comment on the extent to which you think they coincide/diverge from the literature review? What do other authors/papers before but more especially after this paper have to say about some of the key arguments made in the paper – for and against? iii) Identify the paper’s research approach/methods – what are your views on the research approach/methods adopted? Limitations/strengths iv) Identify the  paper’s  key  conclusions  –  To  what  extent  you  think  the conclusion is consistent with the prior sections? Having seen other articles since this paper, to what extent you think the paper’s findings/conclusion still stand?

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