
Images That Are Repeated In Shakespeare’s Sonnets And Their Workings

Images That Are Repeated In Shakespeare’s Sonnets And Their Workings


Reader Response Instructions:Definition: Literary critics usually use the term “image” to describe a moment when the language of a poem appeals explicitly to our visual sense. Images become “key” images when literature makes them a crucial part of a larger structure of visual experience, designs them to encapsulate a central idea or emotion, lavishes enormous verbal ornament upon them, or causes them to shock us with their beauty, violence, or incongruity.

Find two images that are repeated in Shakespeare’s Sonnets; write a detailed paragraph describing the way these images work. Write about on ALL the sonnets. Be very specific, and PROVIDE QUOTATIONS to illustrate.
Find two images that are repeated in Sidney’s Astrophil and Stella; write a detailed paragraph describing the way these images work. Write about on ALL the sonnets in Astrophil and Stella. Be very specific, and PROVIDE QUOTATIONS to illustrate.

About titles: In The Norton Anthology of English Literature, you will see that individual sonnets inside a sonnet sequence are numbered. Here is how you should refer to individual sonnets inside a sonnet sequence or collection of sonnets when you write about them:

“Sonnet 39” in Astrophil and Stella, by Sir Philip Sidney

“Sonnet 130” in Shakespeare’s Sonnets

In-text Citations: Remember that after you quote from a poem, you should cite the line numbers in parentheses. If you quote 2-3 lines, you should have slashes inside the quote.


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