
In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at the school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any.

In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at the school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any.

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https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/us/tm-landry-college-prep-black-students.html (Links to an external site.)

The prompt in this assignment is based on the video or the article. Either may be used for this essay.

In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at the school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any. Your discussion must be supported by at least one text reference. The text reference must be to page number and edition. You may present your opinion but there must be some support from the material in this class. This is not about YOUR college campus but the Landry’s school.

Do not approach this assignment thinking that there is one chapter in the text that you can use in your discussion. It is wide opened! If you believe there is discrimination, describe it. But, you describe/discuss it in the context you choose. Is there an ethical issue? Or, maybe a tort or crime? It could possibly be a violation of the Civil Rights Act or the Constitution? It is possible you don’t see anything with the Landrys that raise any issues. Then go with that and, using any legal concept, say why not. Just remember to support your opinion with a text reference that is a page number and textbook edition.

There is no right or wrong answer. Can you follow instructions and use your critical thinking skill to produce a credible answer is the goal:)

If you use a resource that is not the text, it will be counted as using no text reference.

Paragraph(s) content 5 points

Text reference 1 points (Did I say this must be to page number and edition?)

Spelling/grammar 1 points.

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