
Infants Exposed To Homelessness: Health, Health Care Use, And Health Spending From Birth To Age Six

Infants Exposed To Homelessness: Health, Health Care Use, And Health Spending From Birth To Age Six

I’m studying and need help with a Powerpoint question to help me learn.

The presentation should include the following topics: • problem/issue/questions analyzed and/or the hypothesis • models and/or concepts included in the study • data, methods, variables — dependent and independent • key findings* and limitations • implications – management and/or policy *As part of the presentation: • Present, summarize and discuss at least one table/exhibit from the paper. • Present at least one key finding of the paper and its policy and/or management implications.

Its an 8-10 minutes presentation PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTION ABOVE CAREFULLY, 1 table from the article must be on the power point please choose the simple table to present. PLEASE WRITE THE SPEECH OF EVERY SLIDE ON THE NOTE OF THE POWER POINT ON THE BOTTOM


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