
Initial Planning Drafts: Part 2

Begin composing the following three main portions of your Integrated Sport Psychology Plan and submit them in draft form.

  1. Assessment and Evaluation Mechanisms: Provide an explanation of how you will conduct a needs assessment that will guide the formation of your intervention, and how you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your intervention.
  2. Key Stakeholder Relationships: Identify the key individuals impacted by this intervention. In conceptualizing this section, think of those impacted directly (such as athletes) and indirectly (such as coaches, parents, and community).
  3. Ethical Concerns: Identify the ethical concerns most relevant to your intervention. In formulating this section, consult the Ethics Code: AASP Ethical Principles and Standards (linked in Resources), in addition to any ethical codes relevant to your professional practice. Identify the ethical principle, discuss why you consider this to be an area in need of attention, and suggest how you would proactively manage ethical concerns that may arise. Make sure you consult the ethical code of the Association of Applied Sport Psychology as it relates to ethical considerations relevant to professional practice.
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