
Instructions Instructions: Provide a 4-5-sentences answer to the following questions


Instructions: Provide a 4-5-sentences answer to the following questions. Please submit the assignment in APA 7th edition format, such as title page, page numbers, title of paper, level headings (format) for each of the questions below, citations/references as applicable, introduction, conclusion, etc.

Chapters 11 & 12

Provide a 4-5 sentence answer to the following questions. Please submit the assignment in APA 7th edition format, such as title page, page numbers, level headings for each of the questions below, citations/references as applicable, introduction and conclusion.

1.  What is the essential purpose for financial markets?

2.  Which is more important, the primary market for stocks or the secondary market? Why?

3.  How does a Ponzi scheme work?

4.  Discuss some of the forces that help make markets efficient?

5.  What are institutional investors? Why are they needed in our economy?

6.  What are some of the differences between a forward contract and a futures contract?

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