
Integrative Project | Urgent Homeworks

Integrative Project | Urgent Homeworks


Restoration Pamphlet 19897889

March 6, 2021

Philosogy Essay

March 6, 2021

Having selected the health education, problem you wish to examine for your integrative project, and having received approval to pursue this problem as your topic, you will now consider this problem within its broader context. The conceptual model that follows should be used as a guide in identifying the determinants or factors that contribute to the observed problem. Hint: When reviewing this model, begin at the individual level rather than the local, regional, or global levels, and work outward to identify relevant contextual factors.
Access a copy of the report that presents and explains this model in detail. Refer in particular to Section 1.2 (pp. 18-19) of this document.
Globalization and Social Determinants of Health: Conceptual Model

Source: World Health Organization, Globalization Knowledge Network (2007). Towards health-equitable globalisation: Rights, regulation and redistribution; Final report to the Commission on Social Determinants of Health.
From this model, please identify and discuss four contextual factors including cultural differences relevant to your problem, and note how each either diminishes or exacerbates the problem you are seeking to address. Your overall response should be 4–5 double-spaced pages, excluding references. Your analysis of the impact of each factor should be supported with evidence from the scholarly literature (at least one peer-reviewed source per factor) and properly cited both within the body of your paper and the reference list appearing at the end.


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