
inventor who is currently living in Northeast Ohio and answer the following questions about

inventor who is currently living in Northeast Ohio and answer the following questions about


Include 2 references in APA format. After Spring 21 semester please do not use Dr. Cosgrove, Sam

Bell or Ethan Krauss for this assignment.

1. What is the inventor’s name?

2. What did he/she invent?

3. How did it change our lives?

4. How did the invention benefit him/her?

5. Did the invention improve over the years (new functionality or new versions)?

6. How does the inventor work (individual, own company, researcher in an organization)?

7. How does he/she find funding for his/her research?

8. How many patents does he/she have?

9. What is his/her background, age, education, family, and describe his/her personality, beliefs, etc?

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