
Inversion And Its Causes

Inversion And Its Causes


Part 1:
Using the essays by Freud on sexuality, please answer THREE of the following questions. Unless you can contribute new information to a question that has already been addressed by another student, please try to answer different questions. If you like, you can answer more than three. Feel free to disagree with Freud – much of his work has been universally adopted (e.g., theory relating to unconscious behavior, repression, defense mechanisms, intrapersonal conflict, neurosis, importance of the first few years of life, the usefulness of talk-based therapy, transference/counter-transference in therapy, and resistance to treatment), but much of his work has also been dismissed (e.g., penis envy and most of his thoughts that focus specifically on women; ideas on gays, lesbians, and bisexuals; theory relating to schizophrenia [“dementia praecox”] or other psychotic disorders).

Cont. Part 1: (Pick 3 Questions)
1. What is inversion and what causes it? What are differences between absolute inverts versus other inverts? Are there useful insights in his writing on these topics?
2. What are examples of sexism in Freud’s writing? How can this sexism be understood in relation to context (when and where the essays were written)?
3. When does a perversion become pathological? How common is perversion?
4. When and how does perversion lead to neurosis?
5. Why does love so easily to hate?
6. Why do we have amnesia for almost everything that happened before the age of 5?
7. What are examples of infant sexuality?
8. How can morality and education be harmful to healthy human development?
9. Why might Freud suggest that infants and toddlers who suck their thumbs are better at kissing, or have more enthusiasm for kissing when they grow up?

Part 2: Questions on post-Freudian/Object relations theory:
1. How might traditional Freudian theory be more useful for some issues while post-Freudian theory be more useful for others?
2. What is meant by the “self-object,” “world object,” or internalized representation of another person (e.g., “mother-object”), and how do these internalized representations differ from reality? Why are these internalized representations seen as more central to practice than objective reality?
3. In relation to the last question (number 2, above), what is the goal of care, according to post-Freudian/object relations

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