
It is interesting that the majority of all U.S. states require federal judges to vacate their positions upon turning age 70 your thoughts and comment as you see fit.

It is interesting that the majority of all U.S. states require federal judges to vacate their positions upon turning age 70 your thoughts and comment as you see fit.


It is interesting that the majority of all U.S. states require federal judges to vacate their positions upon turning age 70. In my own opinion, I believe judges should not be forced to retire unless deemed incompetent to fulfill their judge duties. I definitely see this as age discrimination, why are teachers, nurses, and lawyers allowed to continue their job professions beyond the age of 70? These occupations also provide direct services to people. Where is their protection? I understand that federal judges perform duties that affect the population they deal with, but I believe there are other occupations that do the same. If this is the case for judges, there should be a similar requirement for other professions. Your thoughts and comment as you see fit. Min 50 words or more.

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