Judicial Activism | Nursing Term Papers
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March 6, 2021
Response to Intervention (RTI).
March 6, 2021
Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper on judicial activism. Present the arguments on both sides of the question as to whether judges should interpret or simply apply the Constitution. Research and provide more current examples (the current Supreme Court docket) and predict how you think the justices will decide.
Then think about the idea that if one can predict the decisions of the justices on the Supreme Court–where does that leave the idea that no case is prejudged?
Please include 2-3 references. Only one reference may be from an internet source (not Wikipedia) the other references must be located in the Grantham University Online Library. Only the body of the paper will count toward the page requirement. Include a title sheet. Please see the rubric below.
Grading Criteria Assignments | Maximum Points |
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria | 40 |
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts | 20 |
Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts | 30 |
Uses proper APA mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling | 10 |
Total | 100 |
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