
K- 3rd Grade Children Experience Stress During Test Taking

K- 3rd Grade Children Experience Stress During Test Taking


Topic: k- 3rd grade children experience stress during test taking.

· Should be three to five pages in length (size 12 font, double spaced, no title page required)

· May be written in first person.

· Must include four elements:

1. Problem statement: What, specifically, is the educational problem challenge or opportunity you are interested in researching?

Your problem statement should be objective, limited in scope and should NOT include an implied cause or solution. AVOID statements like these:

ü No one understands kids in special education. (Pretty vague. And does evidence exist?)

ü The district is losing students to other districts because we don’t offer enough art classes. (Implied cause)

ü Teaching phonics would improve reading scores. (Implied solution)

ü I’m allergic to cats and my teaching partner has a cat. (Hmmm. Where to start?)

2. Context: Where and when does this phenomenon exist and what evidence do you provide to demonstrate it exists?

Share some information about how this phenomenon impacts you professionally (where you work, who you work with, etc.). Evidence may include your own observations, interviews with those affected, data you or others have generated, journal articles or studies that address the situation

3. Probing questions: What questions arise as you examine this issue? What more do you need to know? What sources, including people, might provide useful information and insight?

Asking the right questions is a critically important part of any research initiative. Those questions may—and probably will-change as research progresses. If you already know—or think you know—the answers, your research will be flawed.

4. Relevance: Why should anyone care about this? What implications would your inquiry have for broader professional practice?

Although the issue you choose may be specific to your own particular teaching situation, the research you generate should be useful to others within your building, district or beyond.

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