
**KIM WOODS** wk 4 q1

**KIM WOODS** wk 4 q1


Which one of the following types of variables is most difficult to evaluate objectively in a true experiment? Explain why you think that (See instructions below).
a)      Dependent variable
b)     Independent variable
c)      Confounding variable
d)     Extraneous variable
e)      None of the above
Instructions: Make selection, provide a concept definition (text), and support your opinion on the selection with an example from research that illustrates the concept. Do so in a maximum of 250 words. Make use of the participation rubric, found in the Instructor Policy document, as a personal checklist. By answering this question and wrestling with answers given from peers, we ought to achieve a level of UOPX Learning Objectives/competencies 4.1 and 4.2 
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