
Learning Family Structures

Learning Family Structures

I don’t understand this Sociology question and need help to study.

Identifying and embracing a variety of family structures and dynamics will foster a culture that is safe and comfortable for learners and families. Recognizing the distinct roles within a family structure is critical for educators as they establish a cultural climate in the birth to pre-K child care center.

Interview both a grandparent/other involved adult in the family (aunt, uncle, etc.) and a parent, guardian, or primary caregiver who has children/grandchildren/nieces/nephews in a birth to pre-K child care setting. During your interview, identify the role your interviewees play in the child’s education.

Use the following questions for your interviews:

Grandparents/Other adult family member that is involved with the student:

  1. What do you believe your role should be in the education of your student?
  2. How can you support your student’s education in the learning environment and at home?
  3. If applicable, would you participate in classroom events and activities? As a volunteer? As a visitor?
  4. What methods of communication would you prefer the teacher use to keep you informed? (Consider technology.)

Draft at least two additional questions to include in your interview.

Parents/Guardians/Primary caregiver:

  1. What do you believe your role should be in the education of your student?
  2. How can you support your student’s education in the learning environment and at home?
  3. Do you volunteer in the learning environment? If so, for what activities or tasks do you volunteer? If not, for what activity/task would you be willing to volunteer?
  4. Do you feel your student’s classroom embraces your background and culture? How about those of other students?
  5. What methods of communication would you prefer the teacher use to keep you informed (Consider technology)?

Draft at least two additional questions to include in your interview.

After the interviews, write a 500-750 word reflection. Information from your interviews should be woven into your reflection to support the reasons families should be involved in the learning opportunities of young children.

Include the following in your reflection:

  • How parents, grandparents, and other involved adults can be involved in building a positive and respectful classroom environment that is culturally relevant for the students.
  • How families and family structures can influence the growth and development of learners in the classroom and at home.
  • The effect family structure, family involvement, and family turmoil can have on the learning outcomes of young children.
  • Technological tools or resources that educators can use to communicate with families and engage them in their children’s development.

Support your reflection with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Read Chapter 4. username: bross password: Collegelife4u


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