
Lesson 4 Assignment Legends Essay

Lesson 4 Assignment Legends Essay


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March 7, 2021

assignment 1 computer forensics overview due week 2 and worth 60 points suppose you were rec

March 7, 2021

 Please read the question to be answered carefully–this assignment is not asking you to write about The Legend of King Arthur. The prompt for the essay is below:
The legend of King Arthur is well-known in literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends like King Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why or why not? Write a short (3 paragraphs) explanatory essay stating your opinion. Justify your opinion and conclusions with relevant textual evidence (quotes or paraphrased ideas from sources) and background knowledge. Remember to use relevant vocabulary from the text in your essay.
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Works Cited with at least 3 sources
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