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March 6, 2021

Living Arrangements and Social Interactions

A human service and public service leader finds ways in which environmental factors affect the physical and psychological well-being of aging adults and the importance of the person–environment (P–E) congruence in living situations. The most important lesson is that a given environment is not inherently good or bad. Some environments are more conducive for achieving active aging among some individuals, while other aging adults need an entirely different set of features.

For this discussion, give examples of two specific populations of aging adults. As a human service and public service leader, compare the two populations by discussing the following:

  1. What are the similarities and differences between the living arrangements of the two examples?
  2. What are the similarities and differences between the social interactions of the two examples?
  3. What are the challenges that would be faced in the future by these two populations?

Response Guidelines


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