
Major Historical Events In The Mid Twentieth Century In Cuba (1950s)

Major Historical Events In The Mid Twentieth Century In Cuba (1950s)


The testimonio told by Reyita and written by her daughter, sheds light on dictatorships in the Caribbean, particularly in Cuba.What are some major historical events in the mid twentieth century in Cuba (1950s)? How are they presented–what are some words that qualify the historical events, chosen by Reyita, that help you distinguish her opinion about one or two major events? Can you list the chronology of events, from the Batista regime to the Cuban Revolution? In your own words, can you narrate the timeline of events, and use the testimonio Life of Reyita as a reference?. Write page numbers down and refer to specific details in your post. Recall the main characteristics of testimonio literature, and include at least two characteristics in this discussion post about Dictatorships in the Caribbean.

Include a thesis statement in your discussion board post: In this post I will argue that testimonio literature is/is not an appropriate genre to portray historical events, because ____________. Address the questions above, and the following questions in your commentary. Make use of the notes that you took while you read, the two colums of facts and opinion/judgment words found in the text.

1. Can testimonio literature offer facts, or is it unreliable information? What does this testimonio teach you about the Batista regime? List facts about the Batista regime; keep your personal impressions out of this discussion. Remember, we are not here to judge history, or judge Reyita. What facts does the testimonio provide on the Batista Regime, if any, or are they all personal impressions of Reyita, that are not valid as historical information?

2. Trace Reyita’s family’s steps in 1958 and after, whatever you can find that has to do with the Cuban Revolution. What does this testimonio teach you about the Cuban Revolution? List facts about the revolution; keep your personal impressions out of this discussion. Remember, we are not here to judge history, or judge Reyita, or other characters.What facts does the testimonio provide on the Cuban Revolution, if any, or are they all personal impressions of Reyita, that are not valid as historical information?

3. Can you find any evidence in the text that shows what is Reyita’s opinion on a) the Batista regime, b) the 26th of July movement and c) the changes after that? In other words, does the testimonio as it is told by Reyita, and written by her daughter, present an appreciation for the Cuban Revolution, or for the Batista regime prior to the Revolution? List choices of words and refer to evidence from the testimonio to support your answer. Keep your personal impressions out of this discussion. Remember, we are not here to judge history, or judge Reyita, or other characters.

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