
Management and Business Studies – academicacers

Management and Business Studies – academicacers


LSME Management and Business Studies Department
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Pearson BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma Business (RQF)

Unit Title: Unit Credit Value: Unit Level:
Taxation 15 5
Assessor/s: IQA:
Amanda Babalola / Hillary Korakegha
Signature of Assessor A.Babalola / Hillary Signature of IQA
Learning Outcomes
To pass this unit, the student must achieve learning outcomes as follows:
1. Analyse taxation systems and the legislation which govern them
2. Demonstrate taxation liabilities for unincorporated organisations and individuals
3. Determine taxation liabilities for the incorporated organisation
4. Evaluate the impact on organisations of the legal and ethical constraints associated with taxation
Student Name: College ID NO:
Issue Date: Expected
Submission Date:
Student Signature: Actual
Submission Date:

LSME Management and Business Studies Department
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Unit Introduction
The aim of this unit is to introduce students to a range of taxation principles and many of the issues that
organisations should consider ensuring that they comply with the taxation legislation of the country in
which they operate including principles of personal and business taxation, the legal and ethical issues
relating to taxation, the obligations of taxpayers, taxation systems and taxation planning.
Students must complete ALL tasks in order to achieve this unit.
Grading criteria
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for passing
this unit. Learners who complete the unit but who do not meet all the pass criteria are graded
‘Unclassified’. Learners whose course work is unclassified will be given the opportunity to make
necessary corrections and amendments for resubmission. In order to achieve a merit unit grade, all pass
criteria and all merit descriptors must be met. To achieve a distinction unit grade, all pass criteria plus
all merit and distinction descriptors must be met.
Completing the tasks
In order to complete the tasks, you will need to research different information sources such as
textbooks, journals articles and the internet. You are also required to develop skills in analysis and
synthesis of information. Analysis requires you to critically examine different aspects of a topic and
identify important issues. Synthesis requires you to summarise the information you have analysed in a
cosies and coherent manner. Make use of information on assignment preparation and command verb
usage in your Moodle Platform.
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Helpful information
The following sources of information may be useful for the completion of this assignment.
ATRILL, P. and McLANEY, E. (2012) Accounting and Finance for Non-Accounting Specialists. 8th Ed.
Harlow: Pearson.
DYSON, J. R, (2010) Accounting for Non-Accounting Students. 8th Ed. London: Prentice Hall.
ELLIOT, B. and ELLIOT, J. (2013) Financial Accounting and Reporting. 16th Ed. Harlow: Pearson
GLAUTIER, M. (2010) Accounting Theory and Practice. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
LYMER, A. and OATES, L. (2015) Taxation: Policy and Practice. 22nd Ed.
Birmingham: Fiscal Publications.
SMITH, S. (2015) Taxation: A Very Short Introduction. Kindle Ed. Oxford: Oxford.
University Press.
SPIKER, B. et al (2015) Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities. 6th Ed. New
York: McGraw Hill.
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Review of Finance and Accounting
Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a source of reference.
Plagiarism and cheating
You are required to work independently when preparing this assignment. Presenting another learner’s
work as yours or taking information from any sources without acknowledging the source constitutes
plagiarism. Please note that your work will be cancelled if you plagiarized. In some cases, the college will
detect this by using software called ‘Grammarly’. Make sure you read over your work carefully and
ensure that all sources of information have been acknowledged to avoid any untoward investigations
that would result in a delay in your achievement of the unit.
Further information on plagiarism and potential consequences are available in your Student Handbooks.
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At the completion of the assignment report, the word count should be stated in the assignment cover
sheet. Work must be submitted in a folder, word-processed in a suitable format of 12-point font, 1.5
line spacing and pages numbered.
When submitting your assignment, you must include:
1. The Assignment Brief
2. Assignment Cover Sheet
3. Other documents required by your assessor as evidence of achievement.
All assignments should be handed in at the reception, with necessary documents and should be signed
and dated by the student and administrator.
Submission deadlines must be strictly observed. Therefore, disciplined time management is very
important when producing this assignment. Failure to meet deadlines will unduly delay your
achievement and progression through the course and may affect your achievement of higher grades.
For example, the Merit indicator “an effective approach to study and research has been applied”, and
for Distinction, the indicator “activities have been managed” can both be interpreted to mean that
submitting assignment work on time is an appropriate learning technique at this level.
LSME Management and Business Studies Department
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Balham Cars London Limited is a used car dealer based in Balham with an aim to help their
customers drive away with second hand car that are suitable for their needs. The company
has a reputation for quality customer service but need the services of a manager with an
accounting exprienece to help put their books in order.
During the 2020/21 tax year, Mrs Shillah Thompson the company’s sales manager’s annual
income was £60,000 and she falls under the class 1 national insurance band. Mr Lucian a
self-employed agent with Balham Cars who engages in selling cars for the company has the
following income and expenditure for tax year 2020/21

Salary for self-employed 60,000
Benefit from his employment 9,000
Rent from flat in Barkings 7,500
Bank Interest 4,500
Deductable payment 2,000

Determine the tax liability and monthly income of Mrs Thompson
Determine only the tax liability of Mr Lucian.
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Task 1: (Report)
Analyse taxation systems and consider taxation legislation that will have given implications
on national taxation using the information given to you in the scenario. Critically analyse and
compare taxation systems in different countries and provide supported and justified
recommendations for developing effective tax systems and legislation that meet key
principles in a global context.
Task 2: (Report)
Explore and explain the implications of taxation liabilities for unincorporated organisations.
Apply recognised models and formulae to interpret data appropriately to calculate the
taxation liabilities for Mr Lucian whon is a self-employed agent with Balham Cars. Ensure to
use appropriate models and formulae to interpret and analyse data correctly.
Task 3: (Report)
Explore and explain taxation liabilities for both private and public companies. Apply
recognised models and formulae to interpret data appropriately to calculate taxation
liabilities for Balham Cars, and use appropriate models and formulae to interpret and analyse
data correctly.
Task 4: (Report)
Evaluate the impact of key legal and ethical constraints on different organisations. Critically
evaluate the impacts of key legal and ethical constraints on application to different
organisations, providing supporting conclusions and recommendations. Provide supporting
and justified recommendations for responding to and minimising the impact of legal and
ethical constraints for a range of international examples.
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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Analyse taxation systems and the legislation
which governs them
D1 Provide supported and
justified recommendations for
developing effective tax
systems and legislation that
meet key principles in a global
P1 Analyse taxation
systems and consider
taxation legislation
that will have given
implications on
national taxation.
M1 Critically analyse and
compare taxation systems in
different countries.
LO2 Determine taxation liabilities for unincorporated
organisations and individuals
D2 Investigate taxation
liabilities and use appropriate
application models and
formulae to interpret and
analyse data correctly.
P2 Explore and explain
the implications of
taxation liabilities for
M2 Apply recognised models
and formulae to interpret
data appropriately to
calculate and determine
taxation liabilities for
LO3 Determine taxation liabilities for incorporated
P3 Explore and explain
taxation liabilities for
both private and
public companies.
M3 Apply recognised models
and formulae to interpret data
and determine taxation
liabilities, including late
payment interest penalties,
for incorporated

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LO4 Evaluate the impact on organisations of the legal and
ethical constraints associated with taxation
D3 Provide supporting and
justified recommendations for
responding to and minimising
the impact of legal and ethical
constraints for a range of
international examples.
P4 Evaluate the
impact of key legal
and ethical
constraints on
M4 Critically evaluate the
impacts of key legal and
ethical constraints on
application to different
organisations, providing
conclusions and
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