
Management Homework – essay studess

Management Homework – essay studess


Answers should have at least three paragraphs (15 sentences) and responses must be at least two paragraphs (10 sentences). Responses may include a compliment or statement of agreement, but a response must also add new information to the topic of the discussion. Use complete sentences, avoid unexplained lists, and avoid slang. Use a professional writing style at all times.

Chapter 1, Question 9(Answer this one)

In your own words, define global learning, expatriate managers, and global crisis management. Discuss the relationship between global learning and global crisis management.

Chapter 1, Question 1 (Pg. 5-7) Respond

What are the reasons for studying organizational behavior? Who should possess this working knowledge? In your own words, explain each of the three levels of OB?

In order to understand the reason for studying organizational behavior, we must know what organizational behavior is. Organizational behavior is basically a study of how people react toward or within the organization and how the organization reacts in its area. These behaviors or reactions can affect the organization in either positive or negative ways depending on the understanding of organizational behavior. Those who do not understand this concept could cause the organization or group. Therefore, it is imperative to study organizational behavior if the employees and organization wants to be successful in whatever goals they may have.

Organizational behavior is important at all levels of the organization. An employee at the lowest level or the highest level should understand their actions affect the entire company in a negative or positive way. If an employee knows and understands this they may be less likely to take that action that could hurt the company. It is important for those in all levels of management in an organization to educate their subordinates of organizational behavior and how their action can affect the company. Therefore, it is important for all employees, whether at the top or the bottom, to understand organizational behavior.

There are three levels to organizational behavior. The first of those levels is the individual. The individual level examines how each person affects to organization by their attitude toward the job and actions taken by that person. The next level is the group which is directly affected by the individuals within the group. Again, if those individuals in the group act in a negative way it will cause the group to fail at achieving its goals. The next level is the organization which encompasses the groups of individuals. If the groups fail due to the actions of individuals then the organization ultimately fails. The understanding of organization behavior should allow employees and management to avoid failure at all levels by recognizing failure or success begins at the individual level.

Chapter 1, Question 3 (Respond to this one)

Henry Mintzberg identified ten managerial roles. Name the ten roles and provide an example of each one. (Pg 12).

According to our text, managers perform their four functions, as Victoria explained above, by assuming specific roles in organizations. The book describes role as “A set of behaviors or tasks a person is expected to perform because of the position he or she holds in a group or organization.” Henry Mintzberg identified ten roles that manager’s play as they manage the behavior of people within and outside of the organization.

The first role Mintzberg describes is Figurehead. As head of a department or an organization, a manager is expected to carry out ceremonial and/or symbolic duties. A manager represents the company both internally and externally in all matters of formality. An example of this is a networker but the manager also serves as an exemplary role model. They are the one who addresses people celebrating their anniversaries, attends business dinners and receptions. The second type of role is Leader. In this leading role, the manager motivates and develops staff and fosters a positive work environment. The manager coaches and supports staff, enters into conversations with them, assesses them and offers education and training courses. The third type of role is the Liaison. A manager serves as an arbitrator and a point between the high and low levels. In addition, the manager develops and maintains an external network. As a networker they have external contacts and is able to bring the right parties together. This will ultimately result in a positive contribution to the organization. These roles listed above concern the contact between the manager and the people in his/her environment. These roles can be categorized as interpersonal contact roles.

The fourth role Mintzberg describes is the Monitor. As a monitor the manager gathers all internal and external information that is relevant to the organization. They are also responsible for arranging, analyzing and assessing this information so that they can easily identify problems and opportunities and identify changes. The fifth role described is the disseminator. As a disseminator the manager transmits factual information to his/her subordinates and to other people within the organization. This may be information that was obtained either internally or externally. The sixth role explained is a Spokesman. As a spokesman the manager represents the company and he communicates to the outside world on corporate policies, performance and other relevant information for external parties. The roles described here involve the processing of information which means that they send, pass on and analyze information.

The seventh role is an Entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, the manager designs, and initiates changes and strategies. The eighth role is a Disturbance Handler. In this role as disturbance handler, the manager will always immediately respond to unexpected events and operational breakdowns. They tend to aim for usable solutions. The problems may be internal or external, for example conflict situations or the scarcity of raw materials. The ninth role is the Resource Allocator. In this role, the manager controls and authorizes the use of organizational resources. The manager allocates finance, assigns employees, positions of power, machines, materials and other resources so that all activities can be well-executed within the organization. Finally, the tenth role is known as the Negotiator. As a negotiator, the manager participates in negotiations with other organizations and individuals and he represents the interests of the organization. This may be in relation to his/her own staff as well as to third parties. For example, salary negotiations or negotiations with respect to procurement terms. This group of roles can be categorized as decision-making roles in the managerial environment. Managers are responsible for decision-making and they can do this in different ways at different levels.

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