
Marx and Arendt could not be further apart on the question of freedom’s relationship to

Marx and Arendt could not be further apart on the question of freedom’s relationship to economics. Marx sees the two as integrally linked, while Arendt thinks freedom occurs only in a realm transcendent of economics. Compare and contrast Marx’s and Arendt’s conceptions of freedom’s relationship to economics. Whose conception is more convincing, and why?

No longer than five (5) double-spaced pages

Read the following before answering:

1. Karl Marx, Selected Writings, ed. Lawrence H. Simon (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1994)


Karl Marx, “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844” (pp. 54-55, 58-79)

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The Communist  Manifesto (1848) (pp. 157-176, plus last four paragraphs on p. 186)

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German  Ideology (1845-46), (Middle paragraph on p. 119, third paragraph on p. 129 through second paragraph on p. 131)

2. Hannah Arendt, On Revolution (1963), Introduction and Chapter 1, 2


3. Hannah Arendt, “What is Freedom?” (1961)*

4. Karl Marx, Fragment on association from “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844”*

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