
MGT-401: Strategic Management – Assignment 1 – Environmental scanning & strategy formulation

MGT-401: Strategic Management – Assignment 1 – Environmental scanning & strategy formulation

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

Strategic Management of the company ‘X’

Structure of the project

This project aims to study the strategic management of your selected company ‘X’. It includes three main parts

Description of the company ‘X’

  • It is a company from your choice;
  • From real national or international market;
  • It is publicly traded company;
  • Produces and commercializes more than one product;
  • Sufficient information about the strategies of the company, its functions, structures and product lines are available;
  • This company should have at least one partnership with other company (es) (alliances, joint venture, arrangement…).

Assignment Questions

  • Briefly present your selected company (name, industry, nationality, location, size, activities, products…) (Max 200 words).
  • Determine the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses of your selected company by completing the SWOT matrix below.
  • Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words)
  • Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms?
  • What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify.

Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2014). Concepts in strategic management and business policy (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 9780133126129 (print), 9780133126433 (e-text)

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