
Multicultural Diversity Case Study

Multicultural Diversity Case Study


  • Review the sport psychology literature over the last 3–5 years to get an idea of current research trends in multicultural research.
  • Choose one topic related to multicultural diversity to analyze in further depth.


  • Summarize current research on multicultural diversity in the sport psychology literature.
    • Write a 1–2 page summary of current research trends in multicultural sport psychology.
  • Analyze a topic related to multicultural diversity in sport psychology.
    • Introduce the specific topic related to multicultural diversity that you will focus on and explain the importance of the topic and its current relevance in the field of sport psychology.
    • Explain how this topic is treated in the professional literature.
    • Evaluate practical applications of the research findings.
  • Identify how you might use this information within your chosen professional role.
  • Evaluate how your understanding of your own identity and experiences may impact your work with those who have a different cultural experience or identity than yours.
    • Explore your own experiences related to the topic.
    • Examine your reactions and note any biases.
    • What questions are raised for you, either personally or professionally, as you explore multicultural diversity in the field of sport psychology?
  • Create a strategy for professional development in the area of multicultural diversity.
    • Analyze strengths that your bring to multicultural competence.
    • Analyze areas for further development or training.
    • Conceive a plan to increase your professional knowledge and skills in the area of multicultural diversity.

Additional Requirements

  • Length: 3–5 pages.
  • Font: Arial, 12 point
  • References: Use at least three APA-formatted citations.
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