
need done 3 hours marketing 3 questions

need done 3 hours marketing 3 questions


ave you ever encountered someone talking to themselves or behaving oddly?

March 6, 2021

Homework 19585555 – My Perfect Tutors

March 6, 2021

1. (TCO 1) In China, many people are removing their money from the state banks and lending it out themselves. The interest rate earned in a state bank account is about one half the rate of inflation. On the other hand, loaning money to friends, relatives, and even unrelated entrepreneurs can often earn the investor double or more over the inflation rate. The gray market, an underground network of investors and private businesses, moves the cash from lenders to businesses. Judge whether marketing occurred in this situation, and justify your conclusions. Appraise the effectiveness of government regulation in controlling markets. 
2. (TCO 3) Imagine that you are creating a marketing plan for a company that will sell motor scooters. As you consider the marketing program, what types of strategy should you consider including in the plan? Propose one specific example of each type of strategy that you are considering, and present your rationale (reasoning) for your strategy selections. 
3. (TCO 4) Managing the product through successive stages of the product life cycle is an important role for a product manager. Assess the three ways to manage a product through its life cycle, including examples to help clarify your assessment. Indicate the reasoning why you would prefer one method over another in a given situation. You can use any product in your examples.

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