
no plagiarism must write fluent english and follow rubric

no plagiarism must write fluent english and follow rubric


complete aleks pie 4 subjects and quiz 3 amp 4

March 6, 2021

one text and one text analysis

March 6, 2021

Mini Strategic Audit

The strategic audit system is a diagnostic tool to pinpoint an organization’s strengths and weaknesses. Use the Strategic Analysis Framework and other tools in order to conduct a strategic audit.  You might consider using a SWOT analysis for both companies to analyze each companies situation.

For this assignment, a mini strategic audit will be conducted for two companies with an overall goal to compare how each company differs in the strategy management and implementation, while indentifying the importance of strategic management.

Assignment Requirements

Conduct a mini Strategic Audit on e-company Tigerdirect.com and Best Buy, Visit the each company’s website at Tiger Direct at http://www.tigerdirect.com/ and Best Buy at www.bestbuy.com.  After conducting research, identify key strategies that each company has in common.  List a brief introduction of each company, to include the Mission Statement and compare key aspects of each company.  Identify the importance of strategic management based on your research. Be sure to include the concepts identified in the readings for this week’s topics.

Submit your answers in a 1000 word, APA style paper.  Include a title sheet and 2-3 references.  Only one reference may be found on the internet.  The other references must be found in the Grantham University online library.  Only the body of the paper will count toward the word requirement.  Please see rubric below.

Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20
Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30
Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling, And APA


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