
non-specialist audience

non-specialist audience


In this assignment, you will be converting a research paper that was published in a scientific journal and deals with migration into a magazine articlet, but You need to have a catchy title that sparks interest. The writing must capture the reader’s attention immediately (you need to have a hook), and it must set up the context almost as fast. The writing should be precise, but not burdened by any jargon. Imagine that you are writing for well-informed adults, but who are not formally trained in ecology or environmental science or migration or biology etc.. Some comments on format: Do not use the traditional subheadings of Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Remember this is a magazine article NOT a lab report or scientific journal article. It is up to you whether you wish to use any sub-headings at all. No specific font, size, or paragraph formatting (but please use a standard 2 font that is readable) and it does not have to be formatted like a newspaper article, it is the content that counts. Do not use references; you never see formal referencing in magazines or e-zines (online magazines). If you do wish to refer to someone else’s work within the body of your article, simply do so, such as: “The researchers were interested in following up on an idea proposed by a Dutch group of scientists who had found…”

Or, refer to the posted examples to give you an idea how to do this. All words, excluding title (but including any subheadings, if you have them), are part of the word count (450 to 550 words) You do not need to create a title page, but you need to write your name and student number and the (original) name of the article you are using at the top of the page, above your article. This information is required and we will deduct points if it is not included. Below that should be your magazine article including your own catchy title that you created for it. At the end, also include your word count. *Note: If you wish to be creative you may add illustrations, but I will ignore these and not take these into consideration for marking. What am I looking for? Articles that • Have a catchy title that immediately grabs a readers’ interest • Right at the start grab my interest and make me want to read on (without being overly sensational) and hold my interest throughout • Are written in the style of a reputable magazine or newspaper article (not a lab report or essay etc.) • Are well-written, flow well and are easy and enjoyable to read

Have a logical structure and present ideas clearly • Do an excellent job accurately presenting the information from the scientific article and in getting the main points across, without loosing themselves in extraneous details

Cater to a well-informed, but non-specialist audience, e.g. by avoiding jargon • Have good grammar and spelling • Are within the allowed word count range ouse one (you cannot use the example news articles that are posted as links! You have to choose from one of the posted primary research articles that are posted as pdfs). You will play the role of a freelance e-zine (=online magazine) science writer, and you will be required to reduce the paper to its essence by creating a non-illustrated* magazine-style piece that your editor requires t, excluding your catchy title

The post non-specialist audience appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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