
NOTE: This assignment used to be called HW 3B. It has been moved and renamed as HW 3. Ignore any references to 3B (including in the homework description itself). The purpose of Homework 3 is to learn about certain trans issues by revising the 10th-editio

NOTE: This assignment used to be called HW 3B. It has been moved and renamed as HW 3. Ignore any references to 3B (including in the homework description itself). The purpose of Homework 3 is to learn about certain trans issues by revising the 10th-editio

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NOTE: This assignment used to be called HW 3B. It has been moved and renamed as HW 3. Ignore any references to 3B (including in the homework description itself).

The purpose of Homework 3 is to learn about certain trans issues by revising the 10th-edition textbook’s treatment of this topic. Pretend that you are a trans-accepting editor who wants to show the authors what they did wrong, and how they can fix it. Get out your red pencil! Then follow these steps:

  • Read the PDF below.
  • Click this download link (Links to an external site.) to download that PDF to your computer.
  • Follow the instructions. You could either use red ink to make revisions on what you printed out, or (if you’re computer-clever) use red text to make similar revisions directly in the PDF.
  • Go to module 13.2 to submit your work.
  • For HW 3, you will have printed out the two-page original, and made corrections (preferably using red ink). Scan it and attach it as a file: TIFF and JPG are the best.If you really understand computers well, you can figure out how to download the PDF and then edit it as a PDF (again, preferably using red text); you would upload your edited PDF. (Click the File Upload tab.)
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